Affected by decades of conflict, Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous places in the world for a child. Thousands of children are homeless and living on the streets with no access to education, shelter and food. The children that roam the streets of Afghanistan suffer the most out of the entire population. Not only are they living through an endemic poverty, most suffer from assault and violence on a daily basis. Children as little as 3 years olds, are forced to work and beg around the Afghan cities in dangerous environments which often results in detrimental effects on the children’s’ mental wellbeing.
The ongoing pandemic has only worsened the situation for the street children creating an urgency for support and rescue efforts for the children in Afghanistan. A child should be able to have their most basic needs fulfilled. They should be enriched with education, provided with adequate nutrition and be given a safe environment whilst being given a chance to have a somewhat normal and happy childhood. Children living on the streets are often forced to mature prematurely and develop survival skills. Along the way, they become more resilient and ambitious. Perhaps all they need is a helping hand to help take them out of poverty and be given a chance to become valuable members of the society.
Helping take children off the streets will not give them a chance at turning their lives around but also become future community leaders in Afghanistan like Hashmatulla Hayat. Hayat lived on the streets of Kabul before being rescued by a local charity in Afghanistan. Through the charity’s rehabilitation program, Hayat gained access to education and vocational skills allowing Hayat to take up painting as a paying hobby. By selling his paintings, Hayat was able to fund his education and graduate from university. Today, Hayat plays an integral role in the same charity that allowed him to have a better future. Hayat’s story is one of inspiration and perseverance, exemplifying how basic support can help turn a child’s life around. A story Mahboba’s Promise hopes to provide to other children living on the streets in Afghanistan.
Mahboba’s Promise aims to extend sustainable development support to the scores of street children living in precarious conditions in Kabul. We understand the first step in the rehabilitation of these children is to help them gain access to a secure environment away from the perils of the streets. The program not only aims to get children off the streets but also provide them with a safe house during the day where they will be sheltered, provided education and fed nutritious meals. The street kids rehabilitation program is part of Mahboba’s Promises’ sustainable development projects focused on enabling the children and youth of Afghanistan to develop key skills to bring about sustainable change within the society. We need donations to sustain the project and to ensure we are able to provide the much needed assistance to street children. Because no child deserves to go hungry, be without a roof over their heads or die of a preventable disease! You can help take vulnerable children off the streets and give them a better future. Click here to support the rescue and education center for the street children.
– Bridget Surdich