What is School's Promise?

 School’s Promise is the flagship program of Mahboba’s Promise helping connect Australian schools with students in Afghanistan for over the past decade.
"I am very proud of our School’s Promise Program. It demonstrates both the differences and similarities between children in Afghanistan and Australia. I hope that students in both countries will create a special bond, built on their understanding of the lives of one another, and will have a lifelong connection. My aspiration is to create peace ambassadors who will promote harmony and friendship between the two countries for many years to come, as a result of the knowledge they gain through the program. "
Mahboba Rawi​

Our Principles

To be a global citizen

To show empathy & compassion

To demonstrate leadership

To make a difference in the lives of others

Become a student volunteer

Brother Sister Schools Program

The opportunity for your school to partner with one of our schools in Afghanistan to build cross-cultural competence.




Ambassadorship Program

A 12-week remote volunteering program dedicated towards building the skills of students to become global citizens. You will learn practical skills whilst helping organise community fundraisers. 



Events & Speaking Engagements

Mahboba Rawi will visit your school for the day. She will share her story as a refugee or one of our team members will speak at a religious, cultural and education days.


Subject Collaborations

Have us take over your lesson for the day! We are subject matter experts that  provide syllabus-tailored presentations and seminars for HiSE with a focus on Afghanistan.




All opportunities are compatible as Voluntary Service for those undertaking the Duke of Ed award.

For more information please get in touch with us: schoolspromise@mahbobaspromise.org

Stay updated on our work.