Through your generosity, over Eid al-Adha your Qurban has provided the highest quality meat to some of the world's most impoverished families in Afghanistan. Everyone at Mahboba's Promise would like to thank you for your kindness, and giving those less fortunate happiness and cause for celebration.
We would like to report on the important work that was carried out with your generous offerings.
For the year 2017, Mahboba’s Promise procured 282 animals which, after ritual slaughter, were donated to the poorest families, single mothers and the elderly in order to supplement their limited diet.These donations were distributed throughout 5 provinces, consisting of Kabul, Parwan, Panjshir, Takhar & Badakhshan.The Qurban meat reached almost 2000 families, with each package enough to feed 7 people.
The 4 orphanages run by Mahboba’s Promise in Kabul, Panjshir, Takhar and Badakhshan also received enough meat to feed over 300 children and their carers for 2 months.