The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is Be bold for Change. This is such a fitting theme for International Women’s Day, as throughout history, it is only through bold action that we have seen positive change come for women. It also reminds us that there is still more to do and that it will take bold ideas and actions to further the progress of women around the world.
Mahboba’s Promise is built around bold women and men pushing for change in the lives of the people we work with to create a better, more equal world.
It all started with a bold promise from Mahboba Rawi, OAM, the President and Founder of Mahboba’s Promise. She promised to never forget the women and children of Afghanistan. Since making that promise, Mahboba has helped thousands of women and children in Afghanistan create a better life for themselves through Mahboba’s Promise.
Mahboba’s Promise works with women like Tarana, who took the bold step of enrolling into our tailoring course. This allows women to take their first steps towards a life of self-sufficiency. Tarana is a widow fleeing the domestic abuse of her brother-in- law, who she has refused to marry since her husband’s death. For women like Tarana, participating in such vocational training programs means they have the opportunity to develop skills that can help them feed, clothe and care for their families independently. They also develop greater confidence, friendships and self-belief through the support network of other women learning with them.
Perhaps no greater way to make a bold statement for change is to be the first girl in your family to be literate, to finish school or to attend university. To the little girls boldly attending school at Abdara Girls School in Panjshir province, they are pushing the boundaries for change with each lesson they attend.
This International Women’s Day, Mahboba’s Promise celebrates those among us boldly working for change in their own lives and the lives of those around them. We promise to be bold in our work so that lasting change can be made for those that we support.