Volunteers Application Form



Work phone

Mobile phone

Relationship to applicant

If other then please share details:

Share licence number else mark as N/A

I acknowledge that if I am accepted as a volunteer, I will read and review the Volunteer Code of Practice – attached to this form and I understand that the organisation is governed by the following documentation:

  1. ACFID Code of Conduct (Available at www.acfid.asn.au/code-of-conduct)
  2. The Constitution of Mahboba’s Promise
  3. The Policies of Mahboba’s Promise including Procedures, Codes of Conduct and Guidelines including the Occupational Health & Safety Policy if you are working in the office
  4. Volunteers working in the office and on the Board are required to sign the Code of Conduct for Australian Based Administrators and Volunteers

I confirm that the information given on this form is complete and accurate. I acknowledge that I am volunteering my time to work for Mahboba’s Promise Inc. I understand that I will not be covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. I understand that in the course of my work for Mahboba’s Promise I may learn or have access to:

  • Certain facts about persons served by the organization;
  • Information regarding the names and details of individuals and organizations who donate to Mahboba’s Promise which are of a confidential or personally sensitive nature;
  • Personal information concerning other volunteers with Mahboba’s Promise;
  • Confidential information belonging to Mahboba’s Promise including (but not limited to) business plans, financial information and databases relating to the activities of the organization,and
  • Intellectual property of the organisation which documentation or photographs cannot be copied or used without express permission.
  • I agree not to disclose any information of this nature to any person without the specific consent of Mahboba’s Promise, or the relevant organization or individual concerned. I confirm that I have read and reviewed the Volunteer Code of Practice and will abide by its principles.