Sponsor an Orphan in Al Rahman

Since June 2017, Mahboba’s Promise has transformed Al Rahman Orphanage in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, from a place of neglect into a nurturing home for 45 children. This transformation highlights the incredible impact of sponsorship.

Once living in dire conditions, these children now enjoy a loving environment with access to education, healthcare, and play areas surrounded by fruit trees. By sponsoring an orphan, you’re directly contributing to creating bright futures for deserving children. Embrace this opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of these orphans. Become an Al Rahman sponsor today.

Your Role in Their Future

Sponsoring an orphan at Al Rahman is more than a charitable donation; it’s a commitment to change a child’s life trajectory. With just $50 per month, you can ensure that one more child receives the education, nutrition, and care they deserve. As we aim to secure sponsorships for all children in our care, your participation becomes crucial.

Exterior Al Rahman Orphanage

Give offline

Via Direct Deposit:

Mahboba’s Promise Inc
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062 320 Account Number: 1017 6256

SWIFT Code: CTBAAU2S (for overseas donors)

Use the reference “ALRAHMAN2024” and your name.

Via Phone (Credit Card):

Call our office on 02 9887 1665

Via Mail: 

Send a cheque, money order or cash to:

Mahboba’s Promise PO Box 6234 North Ryde NSW 2113