Save 30 families

These 30 Badakshi families are fighting for their lives. They are suffering through unimaginable winter snows, with nothing but makeshift mud homes to shelter themselves.

Help us save these 30 families. Give generously today.

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Donation Total: $100.00


A year ago Taliban forces took over Badakhshan province in Afghanistan, forcing over 300 families to flee their homes to survive. For months these families had nothing but tents to shelter themselves. We provided them with the essentials such as food, clothing and winter supplies through our successful crowdfunding campaign. Recently most of these 300 families have returned to their homes. However, 30 families were not able to do so, as Taliban destroyed their homes. Currently, these 30 families are living in makeshift mud homes in the outskirts of Kabul. They have no access to food, medical supplies and are forced to trek for hours just to obtain water. 

These families are in urgent need of basic supplies. By donating, you will be helping these vulnerable families live another day. 

Save these families today.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $100.00

Offline Donations

Via Direct Deposit:
Mahboba’s Promise Inc
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062 320 Account Number: 1017 6256
SWIFT Code: CTBAAU2S (for overseas donors)
Use the reference “30FAMILIES” and your name. 
Via Phone:
Call our office on +61 2 9887 1665 between the hours of 9AM-5PM Monday to Friday.
Via Mail: 
Send a cheque, money order or cash to:
Mahboba’s Promise
PO Box 6234
North Ryde NSW 2113